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Day 8 - Rest Day

Hi everyone! After a week of hard work, the team spent today getting some much needed rest. We slept a little extra, had some ice cream, and played lots of volleyball. It was the perfect way to recharge for the next few work days and spend some extra time with the children.

The Messiah team also got to help lead a church service at Rays of Peace this morning! After worship and prayer, Autumn shared a testimony, Ray sang a song, and Micah preached his message. It was moving to get to worship together again.

The local electrician, Pinto, was here to finish rewiring the grid connections across the campus. Micah and Dereck spent the day aiding him as much as possible, and made some significant progress!

We only have three more days at Rays of Peace! I can't believe how fast it's gone and could not be more grateful for an amazing team to work with. 😊



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