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Day 1 - Sun May 19

Hello! Today was our first full day in Bengaluru, India. This post will highlight the flights to India and today's adventures.

  1. Travel

Our travel to India could not have gone much smoother! Praise God, all flights departed on time and all luggage arrived successfully. After a long day, the Rays of Peace staff were at the Bengaluru Airport to take us to our hotel for the night. They were extremely gracious and provided us with some much needed refreshments and dinner!

2. Day 1 - Church

After a wonderful night's rest, we were shuttled to Rays of Peace's church for the morning service! First, we worshipped together in song, which was an incredible experience. Then, there was a birthday celebration for the lead pastor, Mark.

Next, our teammates Regan and Micah got to share a message with the church! Regan shared a personal testimony and Micah delivered a sermon for the large group of watchers. They did an incredible job and many were moved.

We ate lunch at the church and took a 2 hour bus ride to Rays of Peace! We got to the campus and were immediately welcomed with flower lays from their children. We got to spend the evening resting and playing with the children, an immense blessing.

Up next, we start projects tomorrow!!

Grateful to be on such an amazing team working with these awesome partners!



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May 21

So glad things are going smoothly. We are having a great time in Zambia but it would be even nicer if some of you were here with us. Not everyone, you know who you are.


Diane Brennan
Diane Brennan
May 19

🙌 Praise the LORD for a safe trip and a beautiful time of worship. I am praying for the work to progress quickly and smoothly. Thank you for the update and pictures.


May 19

Way to get going team! May God bless you and grant you what you need as you start the project work soon!


May 19

Praise God so happy things went smoothly. Our family and church are praying for you all.


Donna Eckman
Donna Eckman
May 19

Great news. Thank you!

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